Meet Marian Recu
Marian Recu
My Story
Hi everyone,
My name is Marian. Thank you for visiting my website. My story starts in spring of 2014 when my mother in law was suspected to have a cancerous tumor. The news shocked me. I began searching the internet hoping to find some natural alternatives to help her cope with cancer. At some point I came across one article about a doctor in California who used a combination of six mushrooms showing positive results when treating 80% of cancer forms.
I grew up in a mountainous village in Romania where most people made a living out of collecting medicinal mushrooms and herbal plants, drying and sell them to Germans who used them for medicinal purposes. The information I found on the internet rang a bell with me, which resulted in a deeper investigation on the subject. I realized I was already familiar with some of the mushrooms and recognized them in the forest surrounding my house where I walked my dog!
A few days later, I visited my friend Nick who told me that he has a new hobby: growing culinary mushrooms. I explained my interest for medicinal mushrooms and he gave me a book about mushrooms. We talked a lot about using mushrooms for many purposes and decided we were going to start searching the forest from our area for both mushrooms: culinary and medicinal for both of our needs.
A majority of people may think this is a ” coincidence” but I don't.
Soon after my conversations with Nick, I got more books and read about medicinal mushrooms. We also began searching the woods around us trying to find and identify precious mushrooms and what we could do with them.
The first one we found was Ganoderma Tsugae (Reishi) or Mushrooms of Immortality. I was impressed with this mushroom and it's benefits. I began to test it's benefits on myself because at that time my blood pressure was 140 over 95 and I had hypothyroidism. I created an alcohol tincture. I also drank mushroom tea every day. Within three months my blood pressure improved to 128 over 70!
I have always had an interest in leading a healthy life and right then it became very clear, somehow. While reading my bible I came across this verse:”The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth: and he that is wise will not abhor them” (Shirach 38:4) and the path was clear to me.
I realized that everything happened for a reason and it was no coincidence that my friend Nick gave me a book about medicinal mushrooms. God guides us thru people that surround us; we have to recognize this and appreciate it.
From that moment on, I started educating myself and reading everything I could get my hands on about the traditional use, clinical trials and scientific researches on medicinal mushrooms. I learned a lot of things about medicinal mushrooms and mushrooms products and decided to grow some of the mushrooms I could not find in the wild. My friend Nick was my biggest supporter!
I began developing my own formula in 2015 which resulted in three products: one to support the cardiovascular system, one antioxidant and metabolism support, and one for immune system. My intent was to test them on myself and observe the results. I have to admit that I focused on my own health needs at that time scared with the results of my physical and the elevated blood pressure (140/95); triglyceride (127) ; cholesterol (265); HDL (67); LDL (151); Thyroid Microsomal Antibody (1276); I was overweight 43 lbs. as well.
Within six months of using my mushroom mixture, all my tests showed improvement! My results: blood pressure (124/76); triglyceride (182); cholesterol (223); HDL (50); LDL (137); Thyroid Microsomal Antibody (1247) and I lost 10 lbs.
Some may feel these are small improvements in a six month period, but for me it was the proof that medicinal mushrooms extracts works “naturally."
I thought that if worked for me, it will work for everyone and since, have committed to creating a line of dietary supplements from medicinal mushrooms.
In 2016 I launched “From God’s Pharmacy” Natural, medicinal mushroom tonic and herb extract. I offers 3 dietary supplement products.
Also, I was Blessed by finding more mushrooms in the wild, all from the original 15 mushrooms most researched for medicinal proprieties.
This helped me to create 11 more products. I continued testing my products and by fall 2017 I completely restored my health: blood pressure (122/65); triglyceride (116); cholesterol (172); HDL (51); LDL (98); Thyroid Microsomal Antibody (716.9). This is a 43% improvement on my auto immune disease and in less than a year, without the need to take prescribed medication. I lost another 21 lbs.
What my doctor said:
Do you want to improve your health? Here is the solution!
People who have tried my extracts have had great results, too. Please visit my “TESTIMONIALS” page to find out what they said.
When it comes to medicinal mushrooms, it's important to know three key facts:
A) Adding mushrooms to a daily diet helps in PREVENTING DISEASE and is as powerful as the drugs have when treating them. PREVENTION is the TRUE path to GOOD HEALTH.
B) Medicinal mushrooms are the best sources of ergosterols, which are thought to inhibit angiogenesis: the proliferation of blood vessels supporting tumor growth. It seems to take direct action against cancer tumors by destroying their ability to feed and grow through blood vessels. By "starving" the cells, it shrinks the tumors and eventually kills off cancerous cells. This restores the body's metabolism and strengthens the immune system.
C) The best products on the market come from whole mushrooms- fruit bodies- not from mycelium. Mushrooms grown on natural substances have the precursors to produce important secondary metabolites such as triterpenoids whereas mycelium produced on cereal grain substrate lack these precursors making mycelium products less efficient. You can learn more about this from my website or just searching the internet.
Two things have been proved to make my products superior to others on the market:
1) All my products come from real wild mushrooms growing in naturally in remote areas far away from pollution and chemicals. Mushrooms possess very potent exemplars loaded with enzyme inhibitors and several medicinally active constituents that are beneficial for your overall health.
2) I use a 1:1:1 formula , meaning one part whole mushrooms, one part grain alcohol and one part hot water. NO OTHER FILLERS!!! (which results in very concentrated and pure products which are able to deliver results in a shorter period of time than many other natural products.)
I believe my formula is the main reason I have experienced amazing results with improving my health. Our costumers agree! (read the “testimonials” page of my website.)
What you are seeing here is that you can improve your heath using medicinal mushrooms products, but more than that, the use of these extracts PREVENTS illness development.
Everyone agrees that PREVENTION is the key to a stronger, healthy and happy life.
Add our supplements to strengthen your immune system or to support ALL other illness along with your current treatments to improve overall results and decrees the side effects. Take these extracts as a PREVENTIVE MEASURE and COMPLEMENTARY to your prescribed regimen. Research shows that medicinal extracts accentuates positive results with the combination of medication and have no side effects.
All diseases are influenced by one’s nutrition. A hormonal imbalance, poor diet, spiritual beliefs, genetic predisposition, pathogens, stress, emotions, sex, age, weight, environment exposure, excessive sunlight, radiation, substance abuse, etc. all contribute to overall health.
We are body, mind and spirit. These elements work in harmony. Breaking the balance of them bring us illness and unhappiness. I believe that in order to restore our health, we need to create balance within the elements. Medicinal mushrooms help to do so.
I am a graduate of “Plant Based Nutrition" and certified from T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies with Cornell University. I am the founder of “From God’s Pharmacy –Dietary Supplements” I understand the EVERY DAY quest for better health. I am now offering PERSONAL PROGRAMS custom tailored to your health needs.
The GOOD NEWS is “If you give your body the right ingredients/conditions and not just supplements and diet, but stress management, the exercise and support of love and intimacy than your body can begin to heal itself”.
This is “The best kept secret of medicine”
If you look around you - You'll understood WHY!
Your health is in your hands. Make the call NOW.
To learn more about what I have to offer you please visit all the resources and information I offer throughout my websites:
Please don’t hesitate to call me!
I may be a great help!
Thank you for visiting my website!